Friday, September 28, 2012

This and That...

Conferences: I'm looking forward to meeting with my fifth grade Reading and ELA parents on Monday and Tuesday!  This weekend, ask your children to predict what I might have to say about their performance.  It will be interesting to compare!
Social Studies students will have a lot of time to work on their time line projects on those early release days.  They analyzed their strenths and weaknesses from their flipbook projects, so they should know how to improve.  They are due Wednesday.  Thursday is their chapter 2 test.
There will be lots and lots of benchmark/interim testing next week.  Please make every effort possible to be here each day. 
Tonight:  Disco Night!  Be there!
October 16: Family Technology and Math Night!  Don't miss it!
Science Fair Club Members:  We will have our first meeting on Thursday, October 4, 7:40 am in my room.
Have a wonderful weekend!