Character T-shirt project update: Most students have completed their book for the project. All books must be completed by Friday, November 16. We will begin work on the project on Monday, November 26. All students must have their chosen/completed book with them on Monday. We will complete a graphic organizer and then begin work on the shirts. The graphic organizer will be a class work grade and the final t-shirt will be a test grade. Over the break, please purchase a small blank t-shirt that your child can use or a piece of poster board. Bring one or the other on Monday, November 26. If you cannot get either, I have tag board here that they can use. The tag board shirts will just be a bit smaller than the others, but that's ok!
Edward Tulane Class Novel Study: We have completed the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. If your child hasn't told you about the story yet, please ask them. It's wonderful! They are working in small groups completing informational posters showing how they have analyzed the book. These posters will hang in the main hallway of the school. Along with the posters, each child will make their own Edward. They will be made from tag board, but will be dressed with fabric, buttons, etc. If you have any fabric or embellishments that might help your child make their Edward realistic, please send them in as soon as possible. Edward takes on many different personas throughout the story, so ask them which Edward they want to make.
Thank you so much for your help and support!