Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Awesome Short Film

I showed this short film to the class today.  It has lots of great messages.  On the surface it teaches the kids that everyone has a story in their head, a narrative.  Unfortunately, the older the kids get the further down those narratives get pushed in their brains.  We need to keep their story telling abilities alive and well!  The ending of the film is the most important part.  We are coming into "testing season" with the 5th grade writing test on March 6th and the CRCT in April.  Many kids, especially the brightest, are scared.  They put a great deal of pressure on themselves to do well.  The message at the end is that "The scared is scared of the things you like."  Think about things you like and the scared feeling will leave your mind.  So now through the "testing season" our motto will be, "the scared is scared."