Wednesday, April 24, 2013

SS Update

ALL SS students, regardless of which group you are in, will take a "States and Capitals" test on Wednesday, May 15.  Each student has been given a three page study guide.  One page is suitable for cutting out and manipulating like a puzzle.  Another page has all the states and capitals listed.  A third page is a blank map of the U.S.  If you can, please make several copies of this page before you write on it.  Once you feel you have studies sufficiently, try labeling this map as practice.  The test will be two parts.  The first part will filling in a blank map with the names of states.  The second part will be matching the state to the capital.  I have previously posted two links to a song and to another printable map.  Please study nightly!  If you study by regions, you will be successful.  Commit to studying one region per night.  Work hard!