Friday, September 13, 2013

9/13 Updates

Mid-term grade reports are in the blue Friday Folders.  Please check these over carefully.  Many students seemed surprised by their grades.  That tells me they have not been keeping up with their grades on the student portal.  I passed out informational papers on how parents can access the parent  portal and how students can access the student portal.  Those informational flyers are also in the Friday Folders.

The Cognitive Abilities Test is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.  Please make sure students sleep well this weekend and each night before the test.  A good healthy breakfast is also very important.  Please make sure students are here each day and arrive early enough so they are not stressed out prior to the test.  We will begin testing at 8:55 each morning.

Social Studies students should be working a little bit each day on their Causes of the Civil War flip book.

Tonight is a home game for the Lions!  Peachtree Ridge v. Duluth.  Kick-off is 7:30.  It should be a beautiful night to come out and enjoy some great family fun!