Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Field Trip

Things to bring:  snacks and drinks in a small sling back pack.  Your lunch, if you didn't order a school lunch.  You should not bring money or electronics.  You may bring a regular camera, not your phone.  Phones may get lost, broken or stolen and WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM!  Rain gear if the weather report calls for rain.

Chaperons, please do not purchase anything for your assigned group.  If you would like to purchase something for the entire class, you may do so.  Thank you!

Please wear closed toed shoes!

Wear sunscreen!

Bring your best behavior.  You will be representing Burnette!

Please wear your Burnette 5th Grade T-shirt, any Burnette tshirt or a blue shirt if at all possible.  It will be much easier to keep up with everyone if we are all in blue!

Don't be late to school; we cannot hold the buses!