Burnette Elementary School, Peachtree Ridge Cluster, 3221 Burnette Road,, Suwanee, Georgia Phone: 678.546.2170
Friday, August 22, 2014
A message about make-up work
Hello, parents! We have had a record number of absences and check-outs this school year! Besides having students out for illness, we have children out on vacations, safety patrol, news crew and speech classes. I am hoping that the illnesses are just a fluke and we will all be healthy soon. Just in case, I am trying to come up with a solution for all this make up work. Every day I am going to take two pictures of my board, one of our morning assignments and one of our afternoon assignments. I will post both photos on my website. If the assignment has TEST beside it, obviously it must be made up here at school. If item has GRADE by it, it must be made up for the grade book, but can be made up at home. Other assignments do not have to be made up, but students are responsible for learning the material. Unfortunately, many assignments can't be recreated since they are not paper/pencil activities. I hope by posting these photos parents can see exactly what their children are missing and what skills need to be practiced. Thank you so much for your support! I truly appreciate it!