Thursday, April 30, 2015

Informational Writing

Students are working on their final paper of the year.  It will be a test grade in Writing/Grammar. They are writing an informational paper on a career of their choice.  As always, each paper should include a quote and a personal anecdote.  Please research a quote tonight.  For example, if your career choice is teacher, you would search "quotes + education".  You might also search someone famous from your field to find a quote.  For example, if you are writing about being an actor, you could search "Tom Hanks +  quotes."  You also need a short personal anecdote in your paper.  That is a short personal story that relates you to the career.

 Papers are dueTuesday, May 5.

Parents, in case you are interested, this is a required assignment for all 5th grades in the State of Georgia.  It is part of the College and Career Readiness Program.