Thursday, May 14, 2015

Field Trip Info


Looks like the rain is going to hold off for tomorrow!!!  There is only a 20% chance of rain now and it will be cloudy with a high of 80....a nice day!

Just a reminder from the letter emailed out yesterday, you must be here to pick up your child no later than 4:15.  If someone else other than you is picking up your child, please send a letter in to school tomorrow stating so.

You will be picking your child up from the back of the school.  Please do not get into the car rider line until after 3:45, so that all the regular car riders can leave Burnette easily.  The buses will drop off the 5th graders at the front and we will all walk back through the school to you.  We will dismiss the kids to you just as we do regular car riders, several cars at a time.

Some other reminders about tomorrow:  wear blue 5th grade T-shirt & comfy shoes (lots of walking), send/apply sunscreen for your child, send a water bottle with your child and a bag to put the water bottle and sunscreen in.  DO NOT SEND MONEY, THERE WILL NOT BE SHOPPING.  Students are allowed to bring cameras with them to take pictures, but no phones are allowed.  Students will need to bring a towel with them if they plan on going to the Geyser Tower and getting wet.

Chaperones, please do not buy anything for your group.  It always causes tears when one group gets treats and one doesn't.  We appreciate your understanding.

Only the following 5 students have ordered a school lunch. If you are not on this list, please pack a lunch!

Hannah B .

It's going to be a great day!