There are two very important things to look for in the Friday Folders.
First, there is a packet of readings and responses called "How to be a Smart Risk-Taker." Please go through this packet with your child. This packet is almost exactly what the GMAS reading sections will look like. There are two short responses which have grades attached. There is also one long essay which has a grading rubric attached to the back of the packet. Please talk over your child's responses with them. Most importantly, please make sure your child brings the packet BACK TO SCHOOL on Monday so that I may review it with them also. A few of the packets indicate that I will be having lunch with your students to go over the packet in greater depth.
Secondly, there is a permission slip for the novel The Book Thief. That will be our next novel study. Please return that on Monday also.
Thank you for returning both items on Monday! Have a great weekend!