Monday, March 2, 2015

Helpful Info about GMAS

Parents: Want more general information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? Take a look at the PTA Guide.
GMAS PTA guide

Parents: Would you like to see a sample of the online Georgia Milestones Assessment? Click through this elementary online test sample.

Parents: Want detailed information about the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment? The Department of Education published this assessment guide specific for each grade level tested.

Parents: This is last year's Georgia Department of Education practice test. This is the only practice test available online from the DOE currently. At Burnette, we are practicing and working on up to date standards and using up to date formats as seen in the assessment guides.  There are about  4 practice tests for each subject for grades 3-5. There are about 8-12 questions on each practice test. GMAS practice